Puzzle lovers

In 1975, the first prototype of the Rubik\’s Cube was created. It was born on a table in the workshop of Hungarian puzzle genius Erno Rubik. As teenagers, many of you old school kids who spent your teenage years when the Rubik\’s Cube was at its brightest will remember the euphoria in your school classrooms when the Rubik\’s Cube was a product many times more powerful than collecting C\’s and dusty records.
rubikova kostka

For almost half a century, it was perfect entertainment for children and adults alike

. Today, the Hungarian inventor and designer is nearly 75 years old and must be very pleased that his unique idea continues to attract interest. The cube never made it into the dustbin of fancy, nor will it ever. To this day, speed-folding competitions are held every year, and the most successful competitions are primarily for young people around the age of 18
The most experienced competitors can complete a puzzle in as little as 10 seconds. The best competitors claim that their hands, not their brains, are the most detrimental to their success. Their hands can plan their moves ahead, and their hands are always in check. Yet their movements are incredibly fast.
rubikova kostka na pláži

There is far more to enjoying the day than competing to see who is faster. But that aside, after all, the Rubik\’s Cube did not see the light of day for us to break our fingers or stress over who is faster. The beauty lies in enjoying our own ability to master this puzzle. Spiritual masters would answer this question with a very simple mantra. Being “here and now” and truly experiencing the present moment is the true meaning of life, and there are still only a handful of people who can practice this every day.
When you pick up the cube again, and we believe you must have it tucked away in a drawer somewhere in your house, you will see before you over 43 trillion possible combinations, representing even more than the number of seconds that have passed since our physical universe began! Notice that.