Are you going to change? Try the Kaizen method

What is Kaizen

The word kaizen comes from Japan and means better improvement or change. It is mainly applied in improving working environment in the process of production. It\’s simply about continuous improvement. According to Japanese managers, in the first place is not profit, but quality. From the working environment, we can easily apply this method even in personal life. How do you ask? First, let\’s talk about why it works!

Why try this method

Our brains like stereotypes and ruts. If you are planning to train for a marathon by the spring, you do not have time, your legs and muscles hurt, what the surroundings say, imagine a straight end goal (running a marathon), then there is a fear of a long, difficult and often painful journey. How many times do you give up before you start? In contrast, the Kaizen method works really slowly and step-by-step.


How to actually do it

You want to start running, but you are a complete beginner. A lot of beginners make the mistake of going straight for a long distance. Try another way. The first thing to do is to choose a functional and nice sportswear. The next day in it, go out to the front of the house and stretch the muscles. Take a walk the next day and walk the next day. Maybe next week, start walking. Focus only on the next (small) step, rather than immediately focusing on the final goal. Gradually and sparingly you will improve. It uses every change. If you want to learn how to cook, start with a simple recipe. Do you want to lose weight? Instead of a whole chocolate bar, eat only half, and then on Thursday. 


Tips:Last at least 20 days, this is how long it takes to form new habits

In a nutshell:

  • Set goals (for example, learn Italian)
  • Then plan your way to your goals in a small section (choose a textbook, scroll and watch, 1 word daily, 2 words daily, Italian movies..
  • Do not start, persevere and look for a quick way.
  • Imagine taking one small step toward your dream every day for a year, and that\’s what matters, right?
  • And the path is the goal