Forming a Company

Before forming a company, make sure you know all the legal regulations with which your company must comply.
S.r.o. Company
Your company cannot have the same or similar name to any other company in the state. Fortunately, there are ample websites to check if your name is applicable.
To form an LLC, a memorandum of incorporation (or charter if there is only one shareholder) must be prepared. The incorporation documents should includetýmová práce

  • Co-owners/partnerships
  • The method and determination of the establishment of a reserve fund
  • The amount of capital stock and the amount of each co-owner\’s/partnership\’s contribution.
  • Name of the company
  • Manager of the deposit
  • What business will be conducted
  • Registered office of the company
  • Name and address of the first representative director and first auditor (if established) + how the representative director will act for the company

Establishing a company takes an average of six weeks, longer in more complex cases. The deposit fee is several thousand kronor for the administration and notary fees alone.
Other partnerships:firemní tým

  • Limited partnership

A limited partnership is a limited liability partnership formed by at least two persons. It is capitalized at ¥5 million and has no liability.

  • v.o.s.

A v.o.s., a public company, requires at least two persons to form. There is no capital and no guarantees.


A so-called joint stock company also requires a minimum of two incorporators, but with a capital of 2,000,000- and guaranteed debt.
Obtaining a Trade License
The Trade Licensing Bureau has two types of trade licenses: notifiable trade and authorized trade. First, all applicants must meet the following requirements: they must have reached the age of 18, be legally competent, and be of good character. In accordance with the law, other conditions such as proof of education and trade experience will be prepared. Proof of trade license is an extract from the trade register, which is issued by the company\’s statutory body along with the application form. However, a company may only be established on the date stated in the commercial register within the scope of its registered business.
The application must state the registered office of the company and be submitted within 90 days of the issuance of the trade license.