What to do when the garden is put to winter sleep

You have already completed all the tasks related to making the garden winter. So first, relax during the Christmas holidays, then reach out to magazines and professional literature to find new features in gardening, what other plant sellers offer, and new tools can come on the market to make your work easier. Think about what you can change in the garden and at least prepare a lay project.Winter will soon roll over, and at the beginning of spring you will start a New Year\’s gardening carousel. その後のための時間はありませんmuddling.it It will be necessary to get to work, because nature can not wait.

Garden House

You are trying to get a garden house or gazebo, and you still can not get to it. Prepare using the winter season. Think about whether you will make the construction yourself or buy a finished product. It is also necessary to prepare a suitable substrate on the plot, for example, concrete slabs, gravel or other ground processing. If it does not freeze, you can challenge these foundations even in the winter. Therefore, you will get a favorable time advantage.

Zahrádkářské nářadí


Consider what to sow this year and gradually start ordering or sorting seeds from your own stock. In addition, some seeds can be sprouted in winter and consumed raw to support the immune system. A micro-green or about 10 cm high plant that is an excellent additive to a healthy diet and can strengthen your body in the winter is also excellent.

Some seeds for growing garden plants can be sown in late 1 or early 2 months, and even need to be sown. A být pipipraven, pustit se i zahrádkáskskchch aktivit ve správn v včas by mlolo být mottem každého milovníka své zahrady.


Nachadi, Technica, Zahradny Nabitek

Zkontrolujte,zda máte v počádku večkerénáčadí,píípadn dok dokupte to,co vámchybí. Leckde se v zimnímobdobídoškáte i zajímavěch slev. Doplňte struny nebo pohonné hmoty sekaček,vyžínač、,traktůrk.. Prohlédněte si nabídky zahradního nábytku,abyste ho již konečně letos s prvními jarními slunečními paprsky mohli své rodině dopřát.

Práce se zeminou

Chystáte-li se vytvořit skalku nebo jezírko,můžete i v zimě začít pracovat se zeminou,pokud právě příliš nemrzne. Připravte si fólie,kameny,štěrk,písek,rašelinu,mulčovací kůru. A až se I ttchto činností pustíte,zvládnete základy rychle s pナíchodem(rieti)bbl seminar, Keidanren mナžete vysazovat na skalku či i jezírka první rostliny.


What to do when the garden is put to winter sleep

You have already completed all the tasks related to making the garden winter. So first, relax during the Christmas holidays, then reach out to magazines and professional literature to find new features in gardening, what other plant sellers offer, and new tools can come on the market to make your work easier. Think about what you can change in the garden and at least prepare a lay project.Winter will soon roll over, and at the beginning of spring you will start a New Year\’s gardening carousel. その後のための時間はありませんmuddling.it It will be necessary to get to work, because nature can not wait.

Garden House

You are trying to get a garden house or gazebo, and you still can not get to it. Prepare using the winter season. Think about whether you will make the construction yourself or buy a finished product. It is also necessary to prepare a suitable substrate on the plot, for example, concrete slabs, gravel or other ground processing. If it does not freeze, you can challenge these foundations even in the winter. Therefore, you will get a favorable time advantage.

Zahrádkářské nářadí


Consider what to sow this year and gradually start ordering or sorting seeds from your own stock. In addition, some seeds can be sprouted in winter and consumed raw to support the immune system. A micro-green or about 10 cm high plant that is an excellent additive to a healthy diet and can strengthen your body in the winter is also excellent.

Some seeds for growing garden plants can be sown in late 1 or early 2 months, and even need to be sown. A být pipipraven, pustit se i zahrádkáskskchch aktivit ve správn v včas by mlolo být mottem každého milovníka své zahrady.


Nachadi, Technica, Zahradny Nabitek

Zkontrolujte,zda máte v počádku večkerénáčadí,píípadn dok dokupte to,co vámchybí. Leckde se v zimnímobdobídoškáte i zajímavěch slev. Doplňte struny nebo pohonné hmoty sekaček,vyžínač、,traktůrk.. Prohlédněte si nabídky zahradního nábytku,abyste ho již konečně letos s prvními jarními slunečními paprsky mohli své rodině dopřát.

Práce se zeminou

Chystáte-li se vytvořit skalku nebo jezírko,můžete i v zimě začít pracovat se zeminou,pokud právě příliš nemrzne. Připravte si fólie,kameny,štěrk,písek,rašelinu,mulčovací kůru. A až se I ttchto činností pustíte,zvládnete základy rychle s pナíchodem(rieti)bbl seminar, Keidanren mナžete vysazovat na skalku či i jezírka první rostliny.
